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UnidosUS Action PAC and Future Forward Announce a $2.5 Million Spanish-language Ad Program Targeting Latino Voters in Key Battleground States

Sep 9, 2024

Washington, DC (September 9, 2024) – UnidosUS Action PAC and Future Forward (FF PAC) have announced a $2.5 million Spanish-language advertising campaign geared toward informing Latino voters about Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz’s progressive policies and wins for the Latino community. UnidosUS Action PAC serves as the political arm of UnidosUS, the largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the country.


The Spanish-language ad campaign will start on October 3 and go through Election Day and will focus on Harris and Walz’s plan to grow the economy, and address the cost of living, housing, and other issues of top concern for Latino voters. The Spanish-language program includes TV ads, digital video, and Spanish-language radio.


"Engaging Latino voters through Spanish-language and culturally relevant media is crucial for ensuring our voices are heard in key swing states,” said UnidosUS Action PAC President Janet Murguia. “This media buy will allow us to connect directly with Latino communities in a way that resonates with their experiences, values, and priorities. With Future Forward PAC's generous match, we are doubling down on our commitment to reach Latino voters across Pennsylvania and other critical swing states using radio, digital, and television to mobilize a powerful electorate that too often is underestimated but has the potential to impact the future of our country decisively." 


According to BSP Research, the latest publicly available polling shows Harris leading Trump among Latinos by nearly 20 points (55-37%) in the battleground states.


”Latinos play a pivotal role in the economic vitality of the United States, contributing significantly to the nation's workforce, entrepreneurship, and consumer power. Latinos are not only shaping the future of the American labor market but also driving key industries such as healthcare, education, construction, and technology,” said FF PAC President Chauncey McLean. “This Spanish-language ad campaign recognizes the crucial need to engage Latino voters in battleground states—ensuring their voices and perspectives are at the forefront of national policies that impact economic growth, affordability, and opportunities for all Americans.”


 About UnidosUS Action Fund and PAC

The UnidosUS Action Fund and PAC aim to advance the civil rights and interests of the Latino community in the United States. Its mission is to support legislative and electoral efforts aligned with its sister organizations, UnidosUS, especially those focused on improving the social, economic, and political well-being of Latinos. Through various activities—including lobbying for policies that benefit Latinos, supporting Latino candidates for political office, and mobilizing voters around critical issues for their communities, such as immigration reform, education, and healthcare — UnidosUS Action Fund and PAC work to create meaningful impact.

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